April 2012 · Internet · My Chemical Romance (get a category) · Photogenius · School

“Biology Revision”, Or, “Signs I’ve Been an MCR Fan for Too Long”.

Recently we’ve been doing animal behaviour in Biology, and during today’s lesson I got really inspired… Here is what I learnt, and how my ideal class book would look:

  • We say 40-60% of our emotions with body language or facial expressions. Some gestures’ meanings vary from country to country, but some are internationally understood.

  • Mimicking somebody’s posture is a sign of safety and comfort.


  • Facial expressions are important as they display emotion.

Yes, I did just Google “Mikey Way’s pokerface” to find a picture that wasn’t already saved on my laptop (it was for 10 Days, okay).

Also my notes are crap. The lesson was far more interesting than that. Remind me to hunt down the videos of the peeing panda, swimming tigers and cheetah, and do a post on anthropomorphism.